all images © Shapiro Photography
no reproduction or copying of these images is permitted.

Paulsboro, NJ train derailment (photos from 12-8-12)

Wheeling, IL confined space recovery 11-29-12
1st of 5 blog posts

MABAS, ILTF-1, Air One 10-25-12
blog post

Glenview, IL 9-4-12
blog post

Northbrook & Glenview, IL 7-4-12
blog post - 1st update - 2nd update

Buffalo Grove, IL 6-8-12
blog post

Arlington Heights, IL 5-22-12

Vernon Hills, IL MVA 5-21-12

Buffalo Grove, IL MVA 5-19-12

Long Grove, IL 4-9-12 structural collapse
click here for the video
(blog post)

Wheeling, IL 1-31-12 workers overcome by CO
(blog post)

Buffalo Grove, IL recovery dive 1-26-12
(blog post article)

Lincolnshire, IL MVA 1-13-12
(blog post article)